Check Up from the Neck Up

Like a recovering alcoholic, I tend to mark the days of my “recovery.” I am not certain why, I suspect it has to do with measuring progress and development. Or determining when its time to turn the burners up. Nevertheless, an anniversary is approaching and we’re feeling pretty good about things.

My measuring rod is mental mainly. How I think and what I think about. The issues I allow into my mind and those I attempt to keep out and pray fervently to avoid provide me a good sense of progress.  Those same things also suggest there is a long way to go. That’s okay. Whenever I’ve read Paul’s comment about “being transformed by the renewing of your mind,” it was never my belief that that was instantaneous. New thinking – resulting in new behavior – takes time.

The life of faith is not easy. The cross we are called to pick up daily, is not light. At times my plodding steps are just  that plodding. Often with haunting thoughts of past failures dogging each step.

Yes, it is good to take a check up from the neck up as Uncle Zig says. To examine attitudes and thoughts is a good thing. To measure one’s progress is positive. If looking at life on a continuum with one being “poor” and ten being “perfect (as in complete), moving one mark forward is good. Although I, like many, would prefer to make quantum leaps along the scale – one tick mark at a time is wonderful. Therefore, I am thankful.

Praise God for His glorious grace in Christ Jesus!

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